HTML to PDF converter for Java and .NET


Creating PDF documents from IBM Notes with PD4ML


PD4ML can be used to convert IBM Notes documents to PDF (as well as to RTF or to a raster image) a variety of ways.

The most straightforward method is to capture HTML documents, returned by Notes Domino via HTTP: an URL like one of the following is to be passed to render() method of PD4ML.




More IBM Notes URL syntax info...

If you run JSP infrastructure on IBM Domino server, another online method of PDF generation would be to use PD4ML JSP custom tag library.

If an online document generation method (involving HTTP, JSP etc) is undesired, there is a possibility to generate PDF documents from their XML representations (so called DXL).

DXL is an adaptation of XML used to describe, in detail, the structure and data contained in a Domino database. It describes data and design elements such as views, forms, and documents and provides a basis for importing or exporting XML representations of data to and from a Domino/Notes application.

Schematically a process of Notes document conversion to PDF can be seen like that:

All conversion steps can be implemented at once as a Lotus Java agent, or can be implemented as two-step batch: DXL export request followed by a conversion with Dxl2Pdf command-line tool

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