using System; using System.Collections; using System.Drawing; using System.Reflection; using System.IO; using org.zefer.pd4ml; namespace PD4Test { class Tokenizer { //Element list identified private System.Collections.ArrayList elements; //Source string to use private string source; //The tokenizer uses the default delimiter set: the space character, the tab character, the newline character, and the carriage-return character private string delimiters = " \t\n\r"; /// /// Initializes a new class instance with a specified string to process /// /// String to tokenize public Tokenizer(string source) { this.elements = new System.Collections.ArrayList(); this.elements.AddRange(source.Split(this.delimiters.ToCharArray())); this.RemoveEmptyStrings(); this.source = source; } /// /// Initializes a new class instance with a specified string to process /// and the specified token delimiters to use /// /// String to tokenize /// String containing the delimiters public Tokenizer(string source, string delimiters) { this.elements = new System.Collections.ArrayList(); this.delimiters = delimiters; this.elements.AddRange(source.Split(this.delimiters.ToCharArray())); this.RemoveEmptyStrings(); this.source = source; } /// /// Current token count for the source string /// public int Count { get { return (this.elements.Count); } } /// /// Determines if there are more tokens to return from the source string /// /// True or false, depending if there are more tokens public bool HasMoreTokens() { return (this.elements.Count > 0); } /// /// Returns the next token from the token list /// /// The string value of the token public string NextToken() { string result; if (source == "") throw new System.Exception(); else { this.elements = new System.Collections.ArrayList(); this.elements.AddRange(this.source.Split(delimiters.ToCharArray())); RemoveEmptyStrings(); result = (string) this.elements[0]; this.elements.RemoveAt(0); this.source = this.source.Remove(this.source.IndexOf(result),result.Length); this.source = this.source.TrimStart(this.delimiters.ToCharArray()); return result; } } /// /// Returns the next token from the source string, using the provided /// token delimiters /// /// String containing the delimiters to use /// The string value of the token public string NextToken(string delimiters) { this.delimiters = delimiters; return NextToken(); } /// /// Removes all empty strings from the token list /// private void RemoveEmptyStrings() { for (int index=0; index < this.elements.Count; index++) if ((string)this.elements[index]== "") { this.elements.RemoveAt(index); index--; } } } /// /// Summary description for Class1. /// class PD4Test { const string USAGE = "Usage: '' [pageFormat] [-permissions ]" + "[-bookmarks ] [-orientation ] " + "[-insets ] [-ttf ] [-out ]"; private static void wrongParam(string msg) { Console.Out.WriteLine("invalid parameter: " + msg); Console.Out.WriteLine( USAGE ); } /// /// The main entry point for the application. /// [STAThread] static void Main(string[] args) { //System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US"); //System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture; String infile = null; int width = -1; String format = "A4"; int permissions = -1; String bookmarks = null; String orientation = "portrait"; String insets = null; String ttf = null; String outfile = null; bool formatSet = false; FileInfo ff; for( int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++ ) { if ( "-permissions".Equals( args[i] ) ) { ++i; if ( i == args.Length ) { wrongParam("missing permissions number (a sum of single permission codes)"); return; } permissions = Int32.Parse(args[i]); continue; } if ( "-bookmarks".Equals( args[i] ) ) { ++i; if ( i == args.Length ) { wrongParam("missing bookmark type (HEADINGS or ANCHORS)"); return; } bookmarks = args[i]; continue; } if ( "-orientation".Equals( args[i] ) ) { ++i; if ( i == args.Length ) { wrongParam("missing orientation type (PORTRAIT or LANDSCAPE)"); return; } orientation = args[i]; continue; } if ( "-insets".Equals( args[i] ) ) { ++i; if ( i == args.Length ) { wrongParam("missing insets (for example: -insets 5,10,5,5mm)"); return; } insets = args[i]; continue; } if ( "-ttf".Equals( args[i] ) ) { ++i; if ( i == args.Length ) { wrongParam("missing TTF fonts directory"); return; } ff = new FileInfo(args[i]); ttf = ff.FullName; continue; } if ( "-out".Equals( args[i] ) ) { ++i; if ( i == args.Length ) { wrongParam("missing output file name"); return; } outfile = args[i]; continue; } if ( args[i].StartsWith("-") ) { wrongParam("unknown: " + args[i]); return; } if ( infile == null ) { string ss = args[i]; if(!ss.StartsWith("http://") && !ss.StartsWith("file://")) { ff = new FileInfo(ss); infile = "file:///" + ff.FullName; } else infile = ss; continue; } if ( width == -1 ) { width = Int32.Parse(args[i]); continue; } if ( !formatSet ) { formatSet = true; format = args[i]; continue; } wrongParam(args[i]); return; } if ( infile == null ) { Console.Out.WriteLine("source URL is missing"); Console.Out.WriteLine( USAGE ); return; } if ( width == -1 ) { Console.Out.WriteLine("HTML width parameter is missing"); Console.Out.WriteLine( USAGE ); return; } PD4Test converter = new PD4Test(); converter.generatePDF( infile, width, format, permissions, bookmarks, orientation, insets, ttf, outfile ); } private void generatePDF(String inputUrl, int htmlWidth, String pageFormat, int permissions, String bookmarks, String orientation, String insets, String fontsDir, String outfile) { PD4ML pd4ml = new PD4ML(); if ( insets != null ) { Tokenizer st = new Tokenizer( insets, ","); try { int top = Int32.Parse(st.NextToken()); int left = Int32.Parse(st.NextToken()); int bottom = Int32.Parse(st.NextToken()); int right = Int32.Parse(st.NextToken()); String units = st.NextToken(); Rectangle ins = new Rectangle(top, left, bottom, right); if ("MM".Equals(units.ToUpper())) { pd4ml.PageInsetsMM = (ins); } else { pd4ml.PageInsets = (ins); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception( "Invalid page insets (top, left, bottom, right, units): " + insets ); } } pd4ml.HtmlWidth = (htmlWidth); if(orientation == null) orientation = "portrait"; if ("PORTRAIT".Equals(orientation.ToUpper())) pd4ml.PageSize = PD4Constants.getSizeByName(pageFormat); else pd4ml.PageSize = pd4ml.changePageOrientation( PD4Constants.getSizeByName(pageFormat) ); if ( permissions != -1 ) pd4ml.setPermissions("empty", permissions, true); if ( bookmarks != null ) { if ( "ANCHORS".Equals(bookmarks.ToUpper()) ) pd4ml.generateOutlines(false); else if ( "HEADINGS".Equals(bookmarks.ToUpper()) ) pd4ml.generateOutlines(true); } if ( fontsDir != null && fontsDir.Length > 0 ) pd4ml.useTTF( fontsDir, true ); if (outfile == null || outfile.Equals("-")) { pd4ml.render(new Uri(inputUrl), Console.Out); } else pd4ml.render( new Uri(inputUrl), new System.IO.FileStream(outfile, System.IO.FileMode.Create)); } } }